TypeIt4Me What it is TypeIt4Me is a typing saver. Your cheerful authors used it to write the Mac SECRETS book, and in the process only had to type about 70% of the pages in your hands. TypeIt4Me did the rest — by expanding abbreviations as we typed. And where, you may ask, did these abbreviations come from? As you go about your daily life, you teach TypeIt4Me. You make up your own abbreviations for words you use a lot: you might use Mc for Macintosh, bc for because, aol for America Online, and so on. Over time, your word list grows, and the amount of typing you save grows! It’s good for people with repetitive-stress disorders, it’s good for people who want to speed up their typing (and increase accuracy), it’s great for people in technical fields, and it’s a blessing for anyone who uses the Mac for typing. What you need System 4.1 or later, but System 7 or later is recommended. Installation summary Open the SOFTWARE SAMPLER folder on the CD-ROM. Open the TypeIt4Me folder. Drag the TypeIt4Me icon onto your System Folder icon. Click OK. Restart your Mac. The manual TypeIt4Me’s complete manual is built right into the program. Open the control panel and click Help. Notes and credits TypeIt4Me is shareware ($30) by Riccardo Ettore. Riccardo Ettore, Attn. TypeIt4Me, 67 rue de la limite, 1970 W-Oppem, Belgium Internet: 72277.1344@compuserve.com